An original program consisting of a series of short virtuosistic compositions covering over two centuries and many styles, from Čajkovskij to Piazzolla, with the objective of exalt all the peculiarities of the violin, pushing them up to unthinkable limits. A sort of musical marathon for Antonio Aiello, also on this occasion as soloist and concert performer of I Virtuosi Italiani as part of the XVI Concert Season at the Sala Maffeiana of Teatro Filarmonico di Verona which in 1769 hosted a concert by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The music critic Gianni Villani reviewed: «Very spectacular morning especially thanks to Antonio Aiello, a true showman who dominated the scene letting himself go to a free and fluid phrasing with which he was able to freely vent his extraordinary musical instinct. Great cleaning of the sound, with virtuous passages overcome without difficulty and competent interpretative choices. Final applause skyrocketing».
The complete view of the concert is available on YouTube >